We aim to visualize the creation of map projections in an interactive plot.
First, extract some map data and prepare.
## raw coordinates from maptools
ll <- coordinates(as(as(wrld_simpl, "SpatialLines"), "SpatialPoints"))
## reduce the input map to the south
maxlat <- -10
llsub <- ll[,2] < maxlat
## use the PROJ.4 sphere
a <- 6370997
## function to produce xyz from longitude, latitude, height
## (spherical)
llh2xyz <- function(lonlatheight, rad = 6370997, exag = 1) {
d2r <- pi / 180.0
cosLat = cos(lonlatheight[,2] * d2r)
sinLat = sin(lonlatheight[,2] * d2r)
cosLon = cos(lonlatheight[,1] * d2r)
sinLon = sin(lonlatheight[,1] * d2r)
x = rad * cosLat * sinLon
y = rad * cosLat * cosLon
z = (lonlatheight[,3] * exag) + rad * sinLat
cbind(x, y,-z)
xyz <- llh2xyz(cbind(ll, 0), rad = a)
Define three projections, these are Polar Stereographic, Gnomonic and Orthographic all on the South Pole.
family <- c("stere", "gnom", "ortho")
proj <- sprintf("+proj=%s +lon_0=0 +lat_0=-90 +ellps=sphere", family)
jj <- 1
pxy <- project(ll, proj[jj])
## these are the projected map points on the plane
pxyz <- cbind(pxy, a)
## wgl
## 1
## plot
bg3d(bg = "black")
plot3d(xyz, col = "dodgerblue", axes = FALSE)
points3d(pxyz[llsub, ], col = "#6AB787FF")
## rays from the projection point
ptz2 <- cbind(project(ll[llsub, ][sample(sum(llsub), 100), ], proj[jj]), a)
for (i in seq_len(nrow(ptz2))) {
origin <- switch(family[jj],
stere = cbind(0, 0, -a),
gnom = cbind(0, 0, 0),
ortho = cbind(ptz2[i, 1], ptz2[i, 2], 0))
lines3d(rbind(origin, ptz2[i,,drop = FALSE]), color = "grey", lwd =1)
subid <- currentSubscene3d()
rglwidget(elementId=family[jj], width = 700, height = 700)