The georeferencing is not right yet, but the plot is good.

Promising things ahead.

Rasters from Manifold via ODBC

mapfile <- system.file("extdata", "", package = "manifoldr")

con <- odbcConnectManifold(mapfile)
rastername <- "Montara"
row1 <- sqlQuery(con, sprintf("SELECT TOP 1 * FROM [%s]", rastername))
zz <- sqlQuery(con, sprintf("SELECT [Height (I)] FROM [%s]", rastername))
georef <- 
  sqlQuery(con, sprintf("SELECT TOP 1 [Easting (I)] AS [xmin],  [Northing (I)] AS [ymax], PixelsByX([%s]) AS [ncol], PixelsByY([%s]) AS [nrow], 
           PixelWidth([%s]) AS [dx], PixelHeight([%s]) AS [dy] FROM [%s]", rastername, rastername, rastername, rastername, rastername))


## not quite - I'm getting 6km pixels . . .
rasterFromManifoldGeoref <- function(x, crs) {
  ex <- extent(x$xmin, x$ymax - (x$nrow - 1) * x$dy, 
               x$xmin + x$ncol * x$dx, x$ymax + x$dy)
  raster(ex, nrow = x$nrow, ncol = x$ncol, crs = crs)
r <- setValues(rasterFromManifoldGeoref(georef, "+proj=utm +zone=10 +ellps=WGS84"), zz$`Height (I)`)

## make it much smaller
r <- aggregate(r, fact = 8)
plot(r, col=grey(0:100/100), legend=FALSE, main='Montara', asp = 1)

Convert to a 3D plot

Add normals to avoid the decimation effect above.

b <- bgl(r, z = r * 250)
scl <- function(x) (x - min(na.omit(x)))/diff(range(x, na.rm = TRUE))
shade3d(addNormals(b), col = grey(seq(0, 1, length.out = 256))[scl(b$vb[3,b$ib]) * 255 + 1])
subid <- currentSubscene3d()
rglwidget(elementId="Montara", width = 700, height = 700)

Why is the quad model so heavy in the browser?